राजनैतिक प्रोपागान्डा: भीड अनि समर्थन

राजनैतिक प्रोपागान्डा: भीड अनि समर्थन

राजनीतिमा वर्चस्व धेरै मुख्य कुरा मानिन्छ। वर्चस्व देखाउने तरिकाहरू मध्ये एउटा हो भीड। दोस्रो हो समर्थन। भीड अनि समर्थन सामाजिक मनोविज्ञानको खेल हो। जब जब चुनाव छेउ आउँछ तब तब यो सामाजिक मनोविज्ञान उग्र रूपमा प्रदर्शित बन्छ। आज पहाडमा यही खेल देख्न पाइन्छ दैनिक रूपमा।

अर्को राजनैतिक खेल, राजनैतिक दललाई भत्काउने खेल। यो खेल डरलाग्दो अनि घिनलाग्दो देखिन्छ। चरित्र हनन देखि लिएर बेचबिखन, धम्काउने देखि लिएर आवाज बन्द गराउने सम्मको खेल हो। बीच बिखनको खेलमा नेताहरुलाई नै फाइदा भएको देखिन्छ । तर राजनैतिक विचारले समाजलाई प्रभाव पार्ने विचारकहरू पनि यो खेलको शिकार नभएको चाहिँ होइन। प्रभाव पर्नेहरू चाहे राजनैतिक विश्लेषक होस या पत्रकार।

के यी सबै चलखेलले चुनावमा प्रभाव पार्छ? पार्छ पनि पार्दैन पनि।
कसरी पार्छ? यदि जनताले राजनीतिको गतिविधि राम्ररी हेरविचार गर्दैछ भने उ प्रभावित अवश्य हुनेछ। उदाहरणको निम्ति, शिक्षित जमातले विनय खेमलाई खुल्ला रुपमा समर्थन दिनु असाधारण कुरा हो। ५००० शिक्षकले विनय खेमाको मौखिक प्रचार टी भी या समाचार पत्रिका भन्दा पनि महत्वपूर्ण हो। त्यो पनि सरकारी स्कूल पढाउने शिक्षकहरुबाट जो गाउँ बस्तीमा कार्यरत छन। सिक्किमको राजनीतिलाई शिक्षक समुदायले कतिको प्रभावित पार्छ हामीले देखेको उदाहरण हो।

कसरी पार्दैन? भीड अनि समर्थनले कट्टर समर्थकलाई अझ ऊर्जा दिन्छ। यदि पार्ने भए आज कांग्रेस पार्टी शून्य भई सक्नु पर्ने हो। तर पहाडको कुन पार्टीमा यस्ता कट्टर समर्थक छन? कति प्रतिशत होला?

यी माथि उद्घृत मापदण्डलाई हेर्ने हो भने गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा (विनय) ले आफैलाई अग्रिम पंक्तिमा उभ्याएको छ। कतिपय सर्भेको आधारमा विनय खेमा पहाडको तीनवटै विधान सभा सिटमा पहिलो स्थानमा पाइएको छ। (सर्भे सार्वजनिक नभएको हुनाले स्रोत खुलाउनु निषेध छ)। मलाई ज्ञान भएको आधारमा पहाडमा अहिले तीन वटा सर्भे भई सकेको छ।

अब हेर्दै जाऊ। राजनीति हो भुइँचालो जस्तै हुन्छ। आज सामान्य रहन्छ भोलि हल्लिनु के बेर?

अच्छा आज केही त हल्लिने नै छ राजनैतिक माटोमा।

नयाँ सोच नयाँ विचारलाई १६ नम्बर वार्ड कालेबुङबाट युवाहरुको समर्थन

Ruden Sada

नयाँ सोच नयाँ विचारलाई १६ नम्बर वार्ड कालेबुङबाट युवाहरुको समर्थन

कालेबुङ नगरपालिकाको वार्ड नम्बर १६ डेन्डुप गाउँबाट ७जना युवाहरूले गोजमुमो बिनय समूहमा सामेल भएका छन् । नयाँ सोँच,नयाँ विचारलाई समर्थन जनाउँदै उक्त युवाहरूले आज गोजमुमो केन्द्रीय समिति सदस्य तथा ४२ नम्बर समष्टि अध्यक्ष रुदेन लेप्चाको हातबाट दलीय झण्डा ग्रहण गरे।

गोजमुमो बिनय समूहले पहाडमा शान्ति स्थापना,जातीय हित र विकासको निम्ति धेरै कार्य गरेको कारण आफूहरू गोजमुमो बिनय समूहमा सामेल भएको युवाहरूले बताए।

“जब सम्म हाम्रो पहाड लक्ष्यमा पुग्दैन तब सम्म “जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा” नारालाई जीवित राखिदिनुस्।” – अनित थापा

“जब सम्म हाम्रो पहाड लक्ष्यमा पुग्दैन तब सम्म “जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा” नारालाई जीवित राखिदिनुस्।” – अनित थापा

संयुक्त माध्यामिक शिक्षक कल्याण समितिको आयोजनमा दार्जीलिङ मोटर स्ट्याण्ड मा आयोजित जनसभामा, मेरो भाषणको मुख्य अंश:

२०१७ देखि सुरु गरेको परिवर्तन अभियान मैले खरसाङ को शिक्षित जमातको परामर्श लिएर नै गरेको थिए। उहाँहरुको सल्लाह लिएर नै म अनि विनय दाज्यू कोलकाता गएका थियौ। त्यो परिवर्तन अभियान आज पनि जारी छ।

पहाडमा शिक्षाको क्रान्ति ल्याउनु छ। तर अझ पनि धेरैको मनमा गोरखाल्याण्ड नै गाडेको रहेछ। मैले बारम्बार भनेको छु, गोर्खाल्याण्ड सी के श्रेष्ठ, महेन्द्र पि लामा जस्ता व्यक्तिहरूको नेतृत्वमा हुनुपर्छ।

मेरो अहिलेको चिन्ताको बिषय हो शिक्षा व्यवस्थालाई ठीक पार्नु। पहाडको व्यवस्था चारै तिर बाट घोचेर घायल भएको अवस्थामा छ। पहाडलाई अघि लैजानु हो भने शिक्षामा क्रान्ति ल्याउनुपर्छ।

तपाईंहरू हाम्रो मार्गदर्शक भएर हामी संग हिडी दिनु भयो भने हामी सफलता प्राप्त गर्नेछौ। जी टी ए को सिस्टम अनुसार शिक्षकहरुले काम पाएको होइन तर कानुनी लडाई लडेर पाएका हुन। पढेर पनि शिक्षित जमात कामको निम्ति लिडर को ढोका ढकढकाउन जानु पर्छ। आफ्नै मान्छेले आफ्नै मान्छेलाई शोषण गरेर आएको अवस्था छ पहाडको।

गोर्खाल्याण्ड मात्र भनेर दार्जीलिङको समस्या समाधान हुँदैन। अनित थापाले एम एल ए चुनाव लडने छैन। हिजो, आज अनि भोली पनि म राज्य सरकार संग मिलेर नै काम गर्नेछु, पहाडको नानीहरुको हितको निम्ति अनि पहाडको समृद्धिको निम्ति। आजको दिनमा पुलिस प्रसाशन पनि हामी सित खुशी छन।

शिक्षाको विकाशको निम्ति जी टी एमा regional SSC लागू हुनु पर्छ, हेडमास्टर कोर्ट बाट नियुक्ति होइन सिस्टम बाट नियुक्त भएको हुनुपर्छ। यही मुद्दा विषय म काम गर्दैछु।

म घडेरी खन्दै हिड्दैछु तर यो घडेरीमा के कस्तो घर बनाउनु पर्छ तपाईहरुको पनि जिम्मावरी हो।

शिक्षित जमात पहाडको मार्गदर्शक हुन। ‘जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा’ को नारा फ्लेक्समा मात्र सीमित नभएर परिवर्तनको यात्रालाई गन्तव्य सम्म पुर्याउने मन्त्र बनोस।

जब सम्म हाम्रो पहाड लक्ष्यमा पुग्दैन तब सम्म “जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा” नारालाई जीवित राखिदिनुस्।

शिक्षालाई अघि राखेर हामी काम गर्दैछौ। जी टी ए क्षेत्रमा आई ए एस, आई पी एस, एस पी, हाम्रो गोर्खा हुनु पर्छ भन्ने हाम्रो सोच छ। यसैले गोर्खाको चिन्हारी अनि परिचय दिन्छ। हाम्रो चिफ सेक्रेटरी हाम्रो गोर्खा नै होस। कालिम्पोङ दार्जीलिङको डि एम हाम्रै गोर्खा होस।

अनित थापा

जी टी ए

“जब सम्म हाम्रो पहाड लक्ष्यमा पुग्दैन तब सम्म “जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा” नारालाई जीवित राखिदिनुस्।” – अनित थापा

“जब सम्म हाम्रो पहाड लक्ष्यमा पुग्दैन तब सम्म “जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा” नारालाई जीवित राखिदिनुस्।” – अनित थापा

संयुक्त माध्यामिक शिक्षक कल्याण समितिको आयोजनमा दार्जीलिङ मोटर स्ट्याण्ड मा आयोजित जनसभामा, मेरो भाषणको मुख्य अंश:

२०१७ देखि सुरु गरेको परिवर्तन अभियान मैले खरसाङ को शिक्षित जमातको परामर्श लिएर नै गरेको थिए। उहाँहरुको सल्लाह लिएर नै म अनि विनय दाज्यू कोलकाता गएका थियौ। त्यो परिवर्तन अभियान आज पनि जारी छ।

पहाडमा शिक्षाको क्रान्ति ल्याउनु छ। तर अझ पनि धेरैको मनमा गोरखाल्याण्ड नै गाडेको रहेछ। मैले बारम्बार भनेको छु, गोर्खाल्याण्ड सी के श्रेष्ठ, महेन्द्र पि लामा जस्ता व्यक्तिहरूको नेतृत्वमा हुनुपर्छ।

मेरो अहिलेको चिन्ताको बिषय हो शिक्षा व्यवस्थालाई ठीक पार्नु। पहाडको व्यवस्था चारै तिर बाट घोचेर घायल भएको अवस्थामा छ। पहाडलाई अघि लैजानु हो भने शिक्षामा क्रान्ति ल्याउनुपर्छ।

तपाईंहरू हाम्रो मार्गदर्शक भएर हामी संग हिडी दिनु भयो भने हामी सफलता प्राप्त गर्नेछौ। जी टी ए को सिस्टम अनुसार शिक्षकहरुले काम पाएको होइन तर कानुनी लडाई लडेर पाएका हुन। पढेर पनि शिक्षित जमात कामको निम्ति लिडर को ढोका ढकढकाउन जानु पर्छ। आफ्नै मान्छेले आफ्नै मान्छेलाई शोषण गरेर आएको अवस्था छ पहाडको।

गोर्खाल्याण्ड मात्र भनेर दार्जीलिङको समस्या समाधान हुँदैन। अनित थापाले एम एल ए चुनाव लडने छैन। हिजो, आज अनि भोली पनि म राज्य सरकार संग मिलेर नै काम गर्नेछु, पहाडको नानीहरुको हितको निम्ति अनि पहाडको समृद्धिको निम्ति। आजको दिनमा पुलिस प्रसाशन पनि हामी सित खुशी छन।

शिक्षाको विकाशको निम्ति जी टी एमा regional SSC लागू हुनु पर्छ, हेडमास्टर कोर्ट बाट नियुक्ति होइन सिस्टम बाट नियुक्त भएको हुनुपर्छ। यही मुद्दा विषय म काम गर्दैछु।

म घडेरी खन्दै हिड्दैछु तर यो घडेरीमा के कस्तो घर बनाउनु पर्छ तपाईहरुको पनि जिम्मावरी हो।

शिक्षित जमात पहाडको मार्गदर्शक हुन। ‘जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा’ को नारा फ्लेक्समा मात्र सीमित नभएर परिवर्तनको यात्रालाई गन्तव्य सम्म पुर्याउने मन्त्र बनोस।

जब सम्म हाम्रो पहाड लक्ष्यमा पुग्दैन तब सम्म “जनताको हितमा शिक्षक पथमा” नारालाई जीवित राखिदिनुस्।

शिक्षालाई अघि राखेर हामी काम गर्दैछौ। जी टी ए क्षेत्रमा आई ए एस, आई पी एस, एस पी, हाम्रो गोर्खा हुनु पर्छ भन्ने हाम्रो सोच छ। यसैले गोर्खाको चिन्हारी अनि परिचय दिन्छ। हाम्रो चिफ सेक्रेटरी हाम्रो गोर्खा नै होस। कालिम्पोङ दार्जीलिङको डि एम हाम्रै गोर्खा होस।

अनित थापा

जी टी ए

अनित थापा

Morcha starts slush clean-up

The “brown envelope”, which has been the talk of the hills for the past week, has finally started reaching Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders asking them to refrain from in any party activity.

The move, apparently aimed to cleanse the party of corruption, could also be one of the biggest tests for the Morcha. The outfit has sent notices, slipped inside brown envelopes, to at least one central committee member who has been with the Morcha since its inception on October 7, 2007.

“Brown envelope” was a term used by the British press to imply below-the-table transactions of slush money or information that politicians indulged in.

Even though Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri refused to divulge the names until the list was completed, sources said notices have been sent to Bimal Darjee, the convener of the party’s Tindharia-Sukna unit, who is also a central committee member. According to well-placed sources, notices have also gone to Sujan Rai and Saran Lama, both from Liza Hill unit, apart from Praveen Tuladhar of Kalimpong.

Darjee admitted that he has received the notice. “I got the letter on October 28 and I will obey the decision taken by the party president,” he said over the phone from Tindharia in Kurseong subdivision.

Morcha president Bimal Gurung, while addressing a public meeting in Darjeeling on October 25, had said he was aware of some leaders who had bought SUVs and were taking “pact-money” from contractors. The Morcha president had urged the people not to speak on behalf of these leaders and instead mark them out as those who were not sincere towards Gorkhaland.

Darjee, however, said he had always stood by his principles. “I have not bought cars or taken pact money (for contracts). Anyone can meet me for a clarification. I am not against the cause of Gorkhaland and its people either,” he said.

Darjee, however, said since no clarification was sought by the Morcha from him, he would not explain his stand to the party leadership on his own. “The letter states that I should no longer interfere with party activities in the Tindharia-Sukna area and also should not participate in the workings of the development committee of the Morcha,” said Darjee. Technically, Darjee has not been expelled from the party’s primary membership if one is to go by the content of the notice.

“In future, if Bimal Gurung thinks I should take up some party responsibilities, I will definitely shoulder them to the best of my abilities as I am always committed towards the cause of Gorkhaland,” said Darjee.

Analysts believe that the move to send the notices, virtually sidelining some of the leaders in the party, could be one of the biggest tests for the Morcha. “If the dissenters manage to influence a section in the Morcha, which has had intra-party squabblings in some areas, the party could face some troubled times,” said an analyst.

However, other observers believe that given the overwhelming support that the Morcha currently enjoys in the hills, the leaders against whom notices have been sent cannot be a major threat immediately. “In fact, the political careers of some of these leaders could be doomed,” another analyst said. (The Telegraph)

Morcha to close block offices in hills

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today announced that it would lock all the block development offices across the hills from November 7 even as the interlocutor for the talks involving the Centre, the state government and the party arrived here.

“However, we have decided to exempt those sections which deal with registration and issuing of birth and death certificates at the BDO offices from the agitation,” said Binay Tamang, the assistant general secretary of the Morcha.

The move is expected to paralyse administrative and development works in rural areas. Bimal Gurung, the president of the Morcha, had announced one week back that all panchayat offices would be closed indefinitely from November 7 as part of its non-co-operation movement.

The party has also decided to close down all the liquor offshops in the hills from the same date and asked business establishments to use the word “Gorkhaland” on their signboards.

Lt Gen. (retd) Vijay Madan, who had been appointed the interlocutor to look into the demands of the Morcha, arrived in Darjeeling yesterday.

The decision to appoint the interlocutor had been agreed to at the third rounds of talks among the Central and state governments and the Morcha in Delhi on August 11. The Union home ministry had announced Madan’s appointment on October 23.

According to sources, Roshan Giri, general secretary of the Morcha, along with the party’s central committee members Amar Lama and Asha Gurung, met Madan in Darjeeling last evening. “It was basically a courtesy call,” said a Morcha source.

A meeting between Gurung and Madan has been fixed at a Darjeeling hotel at 3pm tomorrow. “The meeting has been confirmed,” admitted Tamang.

Gurung is expected to reach Darjeeling late this evening after his five-day tour of Sandakphu-Rimbick. According to sources, Madan will be leaving Darjeeling on November 3. His visit is seen as a move to prepare the groundwork for the next tripartite meeting scheduled to be held in Darjeeling on December 21.

Gurung had already announced that he would intensify the agitation and impose “home rule and declare “Gorkhaland”, if the December talks were not fruitful.

The closure of the BDO offices is likely to affect the Central government’s 100-day work programme and projects like construction of roads.

The BDO offices look into every aspect of development in rural areas like the implementation of the Indira Awaas Yojna, under which houses are built for people below poverty line. (The Telegraph)

GJM expresses satisfaction

The Hindu
KOLKATA: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leadership has expressed “satisfaction” with the outcome of the third round of tripartite talks held in New Delhi on Tuesday to end the political stalemate in the Darjeeling hills arising from the GJM demand for the creation of a Gorkhaland state.

“In the right direction”
“The results of the talks are a step in the right direction but the new administrative set-up for the region as proposed by the Centre will have to be a Gorkhaland State,” GJM general secretary Roshan Giri, told The Hindu on the phone from Darjeeling.
He was referring to reports from the capital that Union Home Secretary G. K. Pillai suggested an alternative set-up for the region that is to be finalised through mutual consultations and agreement between the parties concerned.
“The decision taken at the meeting to repeal the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) Act, 1988, to pave the way for an alternative administrative set-up is one that we have been demanding for a long time,” Mr. Giri said.
“It has also been agreed that the proposal for granting Sixth Schedule status to the Darjeeling Hills will be dropped. This was another one of our demands.”
The GJM called for a CBI probe into corruption cases during Subash Ghisingh’s (former DGHC chairman) tenure, Mr. Giri said.
A Central team will be visiting the hills to “study the ground realities.”

Tripartite meet puts GJM under pressure

SILIGURI: The tripartite meet on Gorkhaland slated for August 11 has increased pressure on GJM leaders from the tactical point of view.


We need some time to decide our standpoint at the meet, said Roshan Giri, GJM general secretary. We have received the state government s letter and discussing on that, he said while talking on the letter sent to their leadership by state chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, urging withdrawal of the indefinite bandh.

Already under tremendous pressure from large sections of the population, who have suffered due to the bandh, GJM has already let Sikkim bound NH31A to go out of the bandh ambit.

It is clear that tactically, the state government is now interested in keeping the ball in GJM court before the next tripartite meet. We do not want to create any confusion on the issue of GJM s response to CM s letter, said state chief secretary AM Chakroborty, when asked whether the state would take up any aggressive step if the GJM fails to respond positively to CM s letter.

A large section of the hill population, without any political leaning, think the next meet will not do anything significant on development of Gorkhaland. Naturally, they have already started expressing their views against the bandh; Something most unusual in hills.

At the same time, middle and lower level workers of the party, who have so far maintained a presence all along the hills, are highly enthusiastic about outcome of the meet.

But we cannot say anything about the outcome. We will present  our side at the meet and fight till we get Gorkhaland, was the only response of Mr. Giri when asked what would be his next step after the meet. But this much is clear, failing to churn out something highly positive would put him and other GJM top leadership under tremendous pressure. (The economics times)

GJM comes up with new set of demands

DARJEELING: A day after having expressed satisfaction over the government’s response to its terms for holding the third round of tripartite talks on


Gorkhaland, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) did a volte-face on Wednesday and came up with a fresh set of demands.

The GJM leadership has now demanded transfer of the police officials involved in the Panighatta incident of July 10, release of 19 of its supporters currently in jail and an impartial inquiry into alleged police atrocities on their cadres.

On July 10, police had lathicharged GJM supporters participating in a rally in Panighatta. Several persons were injured, followed by the arrest of some supporters of GJM and the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF). While most of the GNLF men had already been released on bail, prime accused Rajen Mukhia, a GNLF leader, was released on Wednesday.

However, 19 GJM supporters are still in jail. “We demand the transfer of police officials involved in the Panighatta incident, including North Bengal IG K L Tamta. Our demand is justified,” reasoned GJM secretary Roshan Giri.

In Kolkata, agitated urban development minister Asok Bhattacharya on Wednesday said GJM must withdraw the bandh considering that talks would be held soon. “I have told the chief minister that accepting the fact that the bandh will continue during the talks means we are buckling under pressure. If the bandh continues, there is no point in holding discussions,” he said. “The chief minister is worried about the issue.” He held that there is no question of a separate state, adding that Subhas Ghisingh was more responsible than Bimal Gurung.

Home secretary Ardhendu Sen said GJM had been requested not to block NH-31A. Sen said GJM had been asked to withdraw their strike, as for the talks in Delhi, a conducive environment is needed. He said GJM leaders will inform about their decision by Thursday.

Centre not to agree to separate Darjeeling state demand

NEW DELHI Dec 28: Ahead of the second round of tripartite meeting with Gorkha leaders and the West Bengal government here on December 29, the Centre has
finalised the modalities which will revolve around giving more powers to the Darjeeling Hills through special status instead of acceeding to the separate state demand.
The Gorkhas will be represented by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) which has been on the warpath since February demanding creation of a separate state — Gorkhaland — comprising the three hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong, besides Siliguri sub-division in the plains and the adjacent area in North Bengal.
Though GJM has been insisting on statehood, officials in the home ministry hinted that the Centre would in no way agree to the demand which has not found favour with other sections like non-tribals living in the area.
The 17-member Gorkha delegation led by GJM’s general secretary Roshan Giri will also meet home minister P Chidambaram. The first round of the tripartite meeting was here held in September.
Sources in the home ministry said the negotiators would keep in mind the unique geographical position of the area as this has implications considering the sensitivities of the people living there.
The region — a thin strip of land called Chicken’s Neck which separates China and Bangladesh and also connects India’s mainland with North-East — has always been on the radar of security agencies which have time and again resisted the separate statehood demand.
Referring to such concerns, the sources said the Centre would not agree to any decision by excluding the wishes of a majority of non-tribals in the region as it could create unrest, opening a new front for insurgents and `external elements’ to fish in troubled waters.
“Through the tripartite talks, the Centre would like to address all such concerns by taking into confidence all stake-holders, including GJM and the state government,” said a senior officer.
The Darjeeling Hills were on the boil for the first time during mid-1980s when the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) — an outfit supported by tribals in the region and led by Subhash Ghising — came to the forefront with the statehood demand. Ghising, however, later settled for the hill council following negotiations with the state and the Centre.
The GJM — another outfit led by Bimal Gurung and supported by tribals — entered into the scene much later when it started demanding a separate state while rejecting the move to give special status to the hill council.